As I was walking around in town today, the word patience came to my mind!
Naturally I am an incredibly inpatient person, which is good and's good because I usually get a lot of things done in a fairly short period of time, both on a task basis, but also when it comes the journey I am on! However, it can be bad from the perspective that I sometimes I might not be allowing enough time to see my full potential emerging. I.e. I don’t allow myself to master whatever I am doing, because as soon as I feel comfortable I am moving on... comfort, doesn't mean mastering...! In all of this, I am trying to understand what is the core that follows me unconditionally what I am doing? Fortunately for me, I am realizing that I am patient around my core, i.e. when it comes to my core, i.e. my values system, my struggles, my development areas on areas that fundamentally defines who I am, I do allow myself to continuously thrive and learn. These areas are the aspects of my personality that I can carry with me, unconditionally what I am doing! The question I am asking myself is if I want to expand my core, i.e. allowing some of the things that I am doing to be part of my core...i.e. becoming a specialist in marketing for example. Being a marketer becomes something that defines part of who I am, i.e. an area where I am patient, allowing my full potential to emerge...! I admire people who do make such a choice, i.e. on the question on who they are, they expand who they are do what they do, i.e. that have made a choice on what they do, and then naturally what they don't do!
When am I ready to make such a choice? IS it my role to make such a choice, or is my calling different…Thus, will I ever make such a choice? Being general, is easy and difficult, it is easy because I can thrive and make what I do a passion no matter what I do, but it is also difficult because it doesn't naturally delimited or direct me in to a secure path...! I guess it comes down to what Ken Wilber will refer to as the balance between order and chaos…a balance between a large defined core, i.e. a very directing core, and everything that comes with that, (order), or a rather smaller core, and everything that comes with that (chaos)…my general take in the past, intimacy with nature, love, family and health, enables my personality to allow more chaos…!
I guess, part of why am exploring this topic today is part of what I will be doing in my new role is to understand the core of something. Unconditionally if we in the past have been conscious of it or not, or understood why what we have done, what we have done, I hope to understand what choices we have made, I.e. what has been the core of what we have done... as we are conscious of our core, we can start to choose a course of action...! Expand our core, from that order, i.e. allow chaos, or magic to emerge out of a clarity.. maybe, clarity is what enables chaos, i.e. order is the ultimate enabler or chaos…!?
My concluding thought: Balance!
Balance between patience and impatience, between order and chaos, and direction and non direction. Our level of comfort is what defines our level of uncomfort. Our challenge – keep pushing the barriers of where we feel comfortable so that we consciously are allowing ourselves to thrive!
Until next time