lördag 12 juni 2010

The post I should have written a long time ago…

2010 to date has been a very interesting year for me! My thought for the year was to “do what I do better” as opposed challenge and change the fundamentals in life, i.e. where I live, what I do, who I meet, etc, etc…

Interestingly, Kraft bought Cadbury and my real estate agent, CEDAR ESTATE decided to increase the rent beyond what I wish to pay for the apartment where we where living and out of no where, my job is at risk and in two months we need to change apartment…

As for the apartment – we have moved and we love our new place! Today I am thankful that Cedar Estate behaved in the way they did and that we moved from their property, simply because we never knew when they decided to enter the apartment to do what they call “maintenance work” or when they without notifying decided to show the flat for new possible tenants. Not to mentioned the times when they left windows open after maintenance work, when their cleaners destroyed our table and refused to take responsibility or when they always left the apartment in a very bad condition after they had been there without our consent. I usually don’t write these kind of things, but Cedar Estate real estate agents in London is by far one of the most unpleasant relationship that I have had with a service provider of mine, ever. WATCH OUT FOR CEDAR ESTATE - is a line I have felt like writing for a long time.

Having written all of this, it so important to trust life, simply because as a result of the fact that they pushed us to move, we have now found an apartment that makes us calm and that we really enjoy spending time in. We have a little garden where we have managed to bbq 9 times since we moved in some weeks ago…

Apartment solved.

In terms of work – my journey since joining Cadbury has been incredible! My learning curve has been beyond expectation and my motto is to challenge myself NOT TO WORK, but see what I do as learning with clear accountabilities. If I would have been asked if I needed change at the time when Kraft bought Cadbury, I would probably have said no, but now as it is coming I am trying to embrace every single piece of it.

As I am writing this post I am going through consultation, i.e. my job is at risk and I need to either leave the company or negotiate a new role. I am quite excited about the emerging organization so if an opportunity comes up I am keen to join in. Lots of people have sensitively asked me how I am doing etc, and my answer is consistent. My heart is beating, I have legs and arms, I can walk and smile, thus, nothing really to feel sorry or bad about… having said that, the situation is rather stressful and I am keen to resolve it as soon as possible, without jumping into something which doesn’t feel right. One on the things I am happy about was that I established a worse case scenario, i.e. what is the worse thing that can happen in this process? For me it is not about loosing my job, but loosing myself by taking a job that is not me!

I will try to keep this space updated going forward – because I do feel that the intensity of these last few months needs to be processed. I feel with the start of the world cup that the wind is changing. I am excited to be in London, about my learning environment, my relationship, my family and friends – things are good!

Soon England first game in the world cup – really exciting! Football is religion in this country – the city is stopping and everything is about this game. Last time, back in 2006 I was having an AIESEC transition during World Cup – Its hard to imagine all the incredible things that have happened in my life the last four years! The world cup is super BIG and I cant wait, but to enjoy every second of it, every second of a tournament that unites the world and shows that everyone can WIN.

Until later


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