lördag 19 september 2009

about building context and practising the beginners mind

I have completed the 2nd week in my new learning environment. I call this period: Building context and practising the beginners mind. Building context is about building relevance in my ideas and reflections and practising the beginners mind is about re-emphasizing for myself that I can learn something from everyone around me, all the time. It's also about pushing myself a Little extra to engage in every single opportunity to connect with a new person...!

I have also started to follow inspiring marketeers on Twitter and subscribed to a number of newsletters - a new world is opening up! This week various forums launched the 100 most valuable brands. I keep asking myself the question, how would that map look like if or when rather those brands or companies need to carry all the cost of their production...i.e. the cost of production as we know it today and the cost of production as we will get to know it tomorrow, i.e. inc the social costs...as the companies carries those costs their products will be more expensive and the question we need to ask ourselves - are we willing to pay for that or will we modify the selection of products we consider as important to live a prosper life in the future? Thus, forcing some of the power companies of our generation to fundamentally re-evaluate why they exists...I guess the car industry is the first industry seeing the consequences of this shift, but I believe there are many more to come...Thus, I believe the map will look very differently in not too long time period ahead...

until next time