onsdag 28 januari 2009

About the dominating thoughts shaping my day and the questions we ask ourselves...

As I was checking my emails a final time before leaving for a 3 days expedition to Aconcagua I asked myself, what the dominating thoughts were that shaped my day? At first, nothing came to my mind and that made me happy because that some how indicates a day of presence. However, as I allowed some space, three dominating themes shaped my day: appreciation, gratitude and preparation. Appreciation for having the opportunity to plan a very small, yet special expedition, since it is the first of its kind for me recognizing a very challenging environment. Gratitude for allowing myself the space to at all experience what I am experience these days. Preparation, from having the vision of hiking on 4000 m altitude to what that means in terms of the details that needs to be in place before leaving. As I am writing this post on an Internet cafe in central Mendoza I feel comfortable that we are set to go.

The other realization I have as I am writing this post is the power of the questions we ask ourselves. How a day is being remembered really depends which questions we chose to ask ourselves about that specific day. The power of asking questions will have to be a recurring post because now the time is running out. Aconcagua, here we come!


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