söndag 20 december 2009

My 2009 in bullet points…

2009 has as any other year been an incredible year for me. One of those years where I have experienced things that if I would have known how tough they would be I would probably not have dared to experienced them all, however, looking back it is with an enormous gratitude that
I remember 2009 and look forward to 2010!

What tied it all together was my close relationship to majken, my amazing family, some incredible friends and a profound love to nature!

• Finalizing my masters and releasing my second book
I was very pleased handing in my thesis in the beginning of year, a process that at times was really painful, but in the end a great learning experience and result! Key discovery: Its not done until its done!

I was pleased that VDM was keen to publish it for me and that I have my second book available for sales, a lot better than the first one! Find it here

• Aconcagua
Our inexperience became the experience – an extraordinary connection with nature and a memory for life! Key discovery: nature makes me calm, cities makes me stressed!

• Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia
South America by bus – key discovery: what ever happens is the best thing. If it happens to me, I am equipped to handle it.

• Learning Spanish

An initial love for language but also a reconnecting to basic learning! Key discovery: it is first when you dare to take a step back you really learn!

• Argentina & Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, the third city I can say that I have lived in. Key discovery: Argentina has the best meat, wine and ice-cream and is a perfect mix of Europe and South America

• Geneva
Connecting with ambitious youth and reaching out to the world and the global humanitarian forum – the video from the conference is here! I have hesitated quite a lot to share this video, simply because I found it quite tough to see myself on the screen… with some distance though, the key is what learning I took out from seeing myself there and I feel content with what I could extract! Key Discovery: The power of guiding ideas

• Tallberg
Converging crises – complexity – solutions – very powerful and impactful four days! Sweden is beautiful. Key discovery: Welcome complexity!

• The Swedish Archipelago, Bornholm and vacation!
Two of the most beautiful places that I know of in the world – the Swedish archipelago and Bornholm! Every time I am there I feel so much hope, inspiration and compassion for what the world can look like! Key discovery: How a sustainable vacation can look like with sailing, swimming in the water, and being close to nature, family and friends!

• London
The fourth city I can say that I have lived in and currently actually really like to live in. Funny enough, my 2009 actually started in London. Key discovery: If you know what you want, you can find it here!

• Cadbury
My new learning environment and employer. Very promising, challenging and impactful start – I am keen to understand what’s emerging! Key discovery: interpersonal skills, v. e.g. marketing skills, very different, but mutually dependent!

• 2010
A new year, probably fewer events than during 2009, but I sense that I have an intense learning journey ahead of me! Important components as always: relationship, health, family, friends, learning and development!

Guiding ideas: Journey; Now; Choice; Within!

Happy Holiday!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hey Emmi! So cool to read you had a great year! And writing a book is a serious thing!:) For sure, will get it and read it some time! really hope we can meet the next year somewhere!
    if you ever come by Prague, please give me a call!! +420731624747:)
    Cheers & hugs:))

  2. thanks for the encouragement! if you pop by london then do let me know! We should speak soon!

